
(In response to Via Negativa’s Offers.)

I’ve been offered a job several times, and most of them I have accepted. Before I started writing software full-time, I was offered a number-crunching job by a federal agency on a January 19. The next administration came in the next day and froze hiring.

I was offered the opportunity to join Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. I didn’t.

Bill offered me a ride home on the back of his moped. It was something like six blocks down Lake Street in Minneapolis. I was such the dare-devil, riding without a helmet.

Sarah and Casey offered me leads and advice on getting work doing voice-overs.

Because market rates had fallen so much, my mortgage holder offered me a no-cost, no-strings re-fi—all I had to do was show up at closing. This was a long time ago.

A mediocre university, one of my safety schools, offered me a full scholarship. I turned them down.

Cheryl offered to teach me guitar, and even gave me her old instrument to encourage me to practice.

Over the last twenty years, many directors and producers have called to offer me parts in plays. I think some of us do theater just because we like getting the phone call and the chance to say, “I would be happy to.”

Senior year, G. asked me if I was interested in helping him cheat on an exam. I ended the conversation before he had the chance to offer me something in return.