Lots of little tasks accomplished today; the sad thing is, none of them are actually written down on a to-do list. This is just dealing with little piles of stuff all over the house.
- Polished two pairs of shoes. Realized that I should treat the Florsheim oxfords that I keep in the overflow storage downstairs with a little more respect, since I seem to wear them in every show I’m in.
- Cleaned my hip waders.
- Cleaned out my makeup kit.
- Found a rain jacket that I thought I’d given away.
- Got together some glass jars for upcoming entomology field trips with Don Messersmith.
- Updated my Goodreads shelves. The [author: ] tag is broken.
- Ran vinegar water through the coffeemaker.
- Tested the batteries stored in the shoebox.
- Reviewed the recent schedule changes for the 505 and 551/553/557 buses.
- Listened to a half-month of Songs of the Day and nearly caught up with reading other blogroll backlogs.
- Got my Day-Timer pages for the year (starts in October) sorted and ready to go.