From my final weekly report from Huntley Meadows Park:
A somewhat perplexing end to the season.
On 16 June, Kat and Chris reported that warm eggs remained in box #1. The odd thing is that we never did record hatch information for this box, which had eggs as early as 9 March. We observed a Hooded Merganser flush from the box on 7 April, and a Wood Duck on 9 June.
Also on the 16th, a bird remained in box #6; if she was incubating eggs, we didn’t get a count.
On 30 June, I checked box #68. There was evidence of a hatch, but not quite the residue of 8 hatched eggs that I would have expected. Possibly a partial predation?
All told, we fledged ducklings from 9 boxes. I will work up the count details and report them in a subsequent message.