Sunday’s report:
Five boxes hatched out — it’s looking to be a good season for us.
I don’t have a full count of eggs for box #13. K, if you happen to have any other notes, please pass them along.
We patched a knot hole in the roof of box #67. I will come back and make a more permanent fix.
Remaining boxes with eggs: #2 and #4 on the inflow, #6 and #84 on the main pond, and #3 in the new pool by the tower.
Our next work day, the 23rd, may be our last for the season. We just have five boxes to spot check, plus the repair box. That said, box #4 had new eggs on Sunday, so this may be a late clutch that will run into June.
I follow this log when I need to cross Barnyard Run. The water is about thigh-deep on me in the center of the stream, so the log gives me some support.