Looking for somewhere to spend that Hanukkah gelt (yes, I know, but just imagine)?
What organizations are worthy of support? Please give some consideration to this list.
These are the groups and projects to which I gave coin (generally tax-deductible), property, and/or effort in 2022.
- American Association of Community Theatre
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Film Institute
- American Friends Service Committee (sustaining)
- American Indian College Fund
- American Visionary Art Museum
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Art21
- Bang on a Can (increase)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Bread for the City
- CARE (sustaining)
- The Carter Center (sustaining)
- Casey Trees
- Friends of the Clifton Institute (and volunteer) (increase)
- Community of Hope
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
- Cultural Tourism DC (this organization is no more, alas)
- DC Vote
- Earthwatch Institute
- English Empowerment Center
- Fairfax Library Foundation
- Film Noir Foundation
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp and its friends organization (volunteer)
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia
- Friends of National Arboretum
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
- Huntley Meadows Park (volunteer) as a Fairfax Master Naturalist
- IISD Experimental Lakes Area
- iNaturalist (and volunteer)
- Internet Archive
- Japan Society
- jazz89 KUVO (sustaining)
- The Land Institute
- Longacre Lea
- Maine Coast Heritage Trust
- Maryland Native Plant Society
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- The Metropolitan Opera Guild
- Mount St. Joseph University
- National Association for Urban Debate Leagues
- Nature Forward (sustaining)
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy (sustaining)
- Northwestern University
- Peregrine Fund
- PolitiFact
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- ProPublica
- Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice
- Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria
- Reporters without Borders
- Shenandoah National Park Trust
- The Smithsonian Associates
- Silver Spring Stage
- SOME: So Others Might Eat (sustaining)
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- The Sun magazine
- Trout Unlimited
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Virginia Native Plant Society (and chapter board member)
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- WAMU 88.5 FM (sustaining)
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (board member)
- Water.org
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikipedia (volunteer)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
- WPFW (sustaining)
- Xerces Society