Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.
OK, recovered the source material for all these posts from a backup. And reconfigured Radio UserLand (from memory, not a backup). Republishing one more time to the new host.
6:04:46 PM
Well, there's still a lot of stuff in boxes to be unpacked, and not all the curtains have been hung, but I think that we can declare A Honey of an Anklet officially open.
8:51:51 PM
I just kissed off a short theater project, one that was scribbled all over by misunderstandings and wrong expectations (some of them mine). Once again, I am so glad that I don't have to make a living at this.
9:16:21 PM
So quickly, I've become accustomed to right-clicking a C# variable name
in Visual Studio to get to the Refactor>Rename... dialog box, that I
wish I had the same feature in VS's XML editor so that I can change the
names of elements.
4:33:34 PM
Too funny:
world-class photographers take notes in an online forum. William
Eggleston's tricycle:
This is just a snapshot. I would not even have considered showing this.
If you ware going to post pictures you need to make sure it is of
something unusual or with a personal vision. Otherwise you are going to
loose the interest of your audience.
(Thanks to kottke.org.)
12:28:48 PM
Saturday morning I'm reading Raymond Chandler's The Lady in the Lake on the Red Line headed north. I'm so gobsmacked by an image that I miss my stop and have to reverse my tracks at Bethesda.
Marlowe is passing dollar bills to a bellhop in San Bernardino in exchange for some information:
I separated another dollar from my exhibit and it went into his pocket with a sound like caterpillars fighting.
9:18:24 PM
The lamest
answers to Family Feud questions, ever.
Question: Name a musician who goes by one name.
#1 Answer: Madonna
Worst Answer: Reba McIntyre
(Thanks to The Morning
1:25:05 PM
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