Updated: 8/16/15; 18:58:12

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Monday, 30 January 2006

Six volumes, 4,347 pages, and on and off for 59 months: I have completed reading In Search of Lost Time. The first time around, at least.

posted: 5:45:24 PM  

An anonymous search engine optimization contestant claims that he will donate his prize money to the University of Maryland's Center for Celiac Research. That's worth a link in my book.

V7ndotcom elursrebmem for Celiac Charity - don't let Black Hat SEO win the $7,000 contest

posted: 4:30:13 PM  

Danforth in dudgeon The makeup for Deputy Governor Danforth (designed by MaryAnne) is more extreme than I usually have to deal with, even in the 300-seat CenterStage theater.

The wig and the red robe come off for the gaol scene; there isn't time to redo my hair then, so it has this nice mussed matted-down quality, which works well for the agitated state that Danforth is in.

posted: 9:01:36 AM  

Felicity Huffman pulls off a tour de force of physicality as Bree, a pre-operative transgendered waitress and telemarketer, in Transamerica. A road picture in narrative form, this indie film follows Bree as she finds a way to integrate her past and future lives. The people she meets on the way have a whiff of the gothic, but the sequence with Calvin Many Goats, a Navajo farmer (played with understated grace by Graham Greene), is a refreshing pause. The script is serviceable; we did enjoy the remark of a hustling drifter who explained that he was a "level 4 vegan: I don't eat anything that casts a shadow."

posted: 8:46:28 AM  

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