The ill-advised proposal by the Internal Revenue Service to define a mechanism for charities to collect donor tax identification numbers in order to report donations on a standardized form has been withdrawn. North of 38,000 public comments were posted, apparently most of them negative.
Category: Philanthropy and Volunteering
My year in contributions, 2015
The last-minute begging e-mails for the end of the year are still streaming in. Yet: please consider giving to one of the organizations below.
These are the groups and projects to which I gave coin (generally tax-deductible), property, and/or effort in 2015.
- American Association of Community Theatre (and volunteer)
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Cancer Society (special support this year)
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Film Institute (new this year)
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Indian College Fund
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy (increase over 2014)
- Atlas of Living Australia (volunteer)
- Audubon Naturalist Society
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Black Swamp Bird Observatory (special support this year)
- The Carter Center
- Casey Trees
- Center for Celiac Research & Treatment at MassGeneral Hospital for Children
- Computer History Museum
- Contemporary American Theater Festival
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and NestWatch
- Cultural Tourism DC (and volunteer)
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (special support this year)
- DC Vote
- Friends of Dyke Marsh
- Earthwatch Institute
- Fairfax Library Foundation
- Film Noir Foundation
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp and its friends organization (and board member)
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Historical Society of Washington, D.C. (increase over 2014)
- Home of the Brave
- Huntley Meadows Park (volunteer)
- Internet Archive
- jazz89 KUVO
- Karuna Shechen (special support this year)
- The Land Institute
- Learning Ally: I volunteer in the Washington studio
- Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Bird Phenology Program (volunteer)
- Northwestern University
- Peregrine Fund
- Poetry Daily
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- ProPublica
- Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice (new this year)
- Rebuilding Together
- Shenandoah National Park Trust
- The Smithsonian Associates
- SOME: So Others Might Eat
- The Sun magazine
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Virginia Native Plant Society
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- W3C Validators
- WAMU 88.5 FM
- Washington Animal Rescue League (special support this year)
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (volunteer)
- Washington National Cathedral
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikipedia (volunteer)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
- Xerces Society
And you are asking me this why?
AACT alerted me to a proposed IRS regulation that appears to have little justification. It proposes to provide an optional reporting mechanism for charitable contributions. The current system is simple: you get a letter with your name and how much you gave. The proposal on the table is for the charity to report your information on the Form 990 that it submits to the IRS. What’s the catch? To do that, the charity would have to collect and store your social security number.
The opportunities for identity theft and fraud are too scary to me.
Tim Delaney of the National Council of Nonprofits has the talking points.
The proposed regulation, Substantiation Requirement for Certain Contributions, is part of the Federal Register. Public comments are being solicited, but take note that the deadline for comments is next Wednesday, 16 December.
The Council of Nonprofits has guidelines for making effective public comments, as does
Here is the comment that I posted:
I am writing as a small-dollar donor to many charitable organizations. On average, I give $50-100/year to each of about 50 organizations, with one larger donation each year in the $250-1000 range. I perform volunteer service for several nonprofit organizations. I am also a board member for a nonprofit; however, I am not writing today as a representative of that nonprofit.
The proposed regulation strikes me as unjustified; indeed, “The present CWA system works effectively, with minimal burden on donors and donees, and the Treasury Department and the IRS have received few requests since the issuance of TD 8690 to implement a donee reporting system.” The present system works for me, and I receive letters of acknowledgement from almost all the organizations to which I donate. I question the motivations and reasoning of the taxpayers referred to as “under examination for their claimed charitable contribution deductions” who argue in favor of the proposed amended Form 990. Surely someone with the financial wherewithal to make regular $250+ contributions can be expected to show due diligence and follow up with a donee organization to get timely CWA documentation.
I am troubled by the opportunities for identity theft and fraud that the proposed regulation would introduce. In my judgment, the requirement to securely transmit and store taxpayer identification numbers would be a burden on most smaller nonprofits. And to the extent that fears of identity theft would have a small, but real, chilling effect on the size and frequency of donations to nonprofits, I am deeply concerned.
Give it up
Washington City Paper‘s annual guide to giving back in 2015.
Nicholas Kristof’s gift suggestions for the upcoming holiday season: none of them require a trip to the mall on Black Friday.
My idea of a good Christmas Eve tradition: The Morning News’s annual roundup of worthy charities.
My year in contributions: 2014
Here’s the first of my year-end roundup posts.
The spirit of Giving Tuesday doesn’t have to die at the end of November. These are the organizations and projects to which I gave coin (generally tax-deductible), property, and/or effort in 2014. Please join me in supporting their work.
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Friends Service Committee (converted to monthly sustaining support)
- American Indian College Fund
- American Red Cross
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Audubon Naturalist Society
- Biodiversity Heritage Library (new)
- The Carter Center
- Casey Trees
- Center for Celiac Research & Treatment at MassGeneral Hospital for Children
- Computer History Museum
- Contemporary American Theater Festival
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and NestWatch
- Cultural Tourism DC (increased support this year) (volunteer)
- DC Vote
- Friends of Dyke Marsh
- Earthwatch Institute
- Film Noir Foundation
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp and its friends organization (volunteer)
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia
- Girls Who Code (special support this year)
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
- Huntley Meadows Park and its friends organization (volunteer)
- International Institute for Sustainable Development (special support this year for the Experimental Lakes Area)
- Internet Archive
- jazz89 KUVO
- The Land Institute
- Learning Ally: I volunteer in the Washington studio
- Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany (volunteer)
- National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Bird Phenology Program (volunteer)
- Northwestern University
- Peregrine Fund
- Poetry Daily
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- ProPublica
- Raptor Conservancy of Virginia
- Rebuilding Together
- Shenandoah National Park Trust
- The Smithsonian Associates
- SOME: So Others Might Eat (special capital campaign support this year; converted to monthly sustaining support)
- The Sun magazine
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Virginia Native Plant Society
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- W3C Validators
- WAMU 88.5 FM
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (volunteer)
- Washington National Cathedral
- Wikimedia DC (special support this year)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikipedia (volunteer)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
- Xerces Society
Some links: 71
Catching up on a lot of bookmarks, so this will be a bit of a link dump.
- Reduced-meat or meatless diets (Mediterranean, pescetarian, vegetarian) are both better for your health and more sustainable for the environment, as David Tilman and Michael Clark find in a recent paper, and as Elke Stehfest summarizes.
- I am loving Nature‘s new sharing tools. Susannah Locke explains the journal’s move toward more open access.
- Emily Dreyfuss signed up to give Wikipedia six bucks a month.
…Wikipedia is the best approximation of a complete account of knowledge we’ve ever seen.
It’s also the most robust. The most easily accessed. And the safest. It exists on servers around the world so, unlike the library at Alexandria, it can’t be burned down.
You should chip in, too. ᔥ
- The Biodiversity Heritage Library has opened an online exhibit dedicated to women in science who began working before 1922. Some of my recent subjects are there, including Florence Merriam Bailey and Mabel Osgood Wright.
Mitchell the mensch
I was asked to complete an online survey by one of the environmental/educational organizations that I support. Most of the questions were routine, but I was struck by this free-answer question:
If you can recall it, what is the story or situation that inspired your first philanthropic gift?
And I was prompted to tell this story from college:
It’s not the first time that I made a donation, but the conversation left its mark on me. I was in college, and I was walking with a fellow student, Mitchell H., and someone asked us for a donation–I don’t remember the cause. And Mitchell pulled out his wallet as naturally as taking a pen from his pocket. Later, I asked him, “What do you care about starving whales/greening the Armenians/whatever the cause was?” He said, “This is what you do.”
Mind you, I was on scholarship/loan/work study/piggy bank and Mitchell’s family was probably paying full fare. Nevertheless, that exchange has stuck with me.
(We’ll save the story about how Mitchell tricked me into eating styrofoam packing peanuts for another time.)
Still time to contribute
I tried to add a couple of causes to the list this year, especially locals like Casey Trees and Raptor Conservancy of Virginia, while maintaining my support levels for everyone else.
These are the organizations and projects to which I gave coin (generally tax-deductible), property, and/or effort in 2013. Please join me in supporting their work.
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Indian College Fund
- American Red Cross
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Audubon Naturalist Society
- Buffalo Zoo “Our Bears Belong in Buffalo” (special support this year)
- The Carter Center
- Casey Trees (new)
- Center for Celiac Research & Treatment at MassGeneral Hospital for Children
- Computer History Museum
- Contemporary American Theater Festival
- Corcoran Gallery of Art
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and NestWatch
- Cultural Tourism DC (volunteer)
- DC Vote
- Distributed Proofreaders (volunteer)
- Friends of Dyke Marsh
- Earthwatch Institute
- Fairfax Library Foundation (new)
- Film Noir Foundation (new)
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp and its friends organization (increased support this year) (volunteer)
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia
- Girl Rising Fund (special support this year)
- Girl Scouts of the USA (special support this year)
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
- Huntley Meadows Park and its friends organization (volunteer)
- Internet Archive (new)
- jazz89 KUVO
- The Land Institute
- Learning Ally: I volunteer in the Washington studio
- Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
- Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation (special support this year)
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Friends of the National Conservation Training Center
- National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany (new) (volunteer)
- National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Bird Phenology Program (volunteer)
- Northwestern University
- Peregrine Fund
- Poetry Daily
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- ProPublica
- Raptor Conservancy of Virginia (new)
- Rebuilding Together
- Shenandoah National Park Trust (new)
- The Smithsonian Associates
- SOME: So Others Might Eat
- The Sun magazine
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- US STEM Foundation (special support this year)
- Virginia Native Plant Society
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- W3C Validators
- WAMU 88.5 FM
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (volunteer)
- Washington National Cathedral (increased support this year)
- Wikimedia DC (special support this year)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikipedia (volunteer)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
- Xerces Society
Good causes, one and all
These are the organizations and projects to which I gave coin (generally tax-deductible), property, and/or effort in 2012. Please join me in supporting their work.
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Cancer Society (special support this year)
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Indian College Fund
- American Red Cross
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Audubon Naturalist Society (increased support this year)
- Bareback Ink project (one-time)
- The Carter Center
- Center for Celiac Research, University of Maryland
- Chatype project
- Computer History Museum
- Contemporary American Theater Festival
- Corcoran Gallery of Art
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and NestWatch (special increased support this year)
- Cultural Tourism DC (volunteer)
- DC Vote
- Distributed Proofreaders (new this year) (volunteer)
- Food for Others (special support this year)
- Friends of Dyke Marsh
- Earthwatch Institute
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp and its friends organization (volunteer)
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia (special support this year)
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Historical Society of Washington, D.C. (new this year)
- Huntley Meadows Park and its friends organization (volunteer)
- jazz89 KUVO
- The Land Institute
- Learning Ally: I volunteer in the Washington studio
- Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
- Longacre Lea
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Montgomery Blair High School Magnet Foundation (special support this year)
- Friends of the National Conservation Training Center
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society (special support this year)
- National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Bird Phenology Program (volunteer)
- Northwestern University
- Peregrine Fund (new this year)
- Poetry Daily
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- ProPublica (new this year)
- Rebuilding Together
- Silver Spring Stage (special support this year)
- The Smithsonian Associates
- SOME: So Others Might Eat
- The Sun magazine (increased support this year)
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- VCU Rice Center (special support this year)
- Virginia Native Plant Society
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- W3C Validators
- WAMU 88.5 FM (special vehicle donation this year)
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (volunteer)
- Washington National Cathedral (special support this year)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikipedia (volunteer)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
- Xerces Society
Good seats still available
These are the organizations and projects to which I gave coin, property, and/or effort in 2011. Please join me in supporting their work.
- American Bird Conservancy
- American Birding Association
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Indian College Fund
- American Red Cross
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- Audubon Naturalist Society (increased support this year)
- The Carter Center
- Center for Celiac Research, University of Maryland
- Computer History Museum
- Contemporary American Theater Festival
- Corcoran Gallery of Art
- Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
- Cultural Tourism DC (new this year)
- DC Vote
- Friends of Dyke Marsh
- Earthwatch Institute
- FINCA International
- U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting & Conservation Stamp
- First Book
- Flora of Virginia (special support this year)
- Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia
- Huntley Meadows Park and its friends organization
- Incredible Girl film project (one-time)
- jazz89 KUVO
- The Land Institute
- Literacy Council of Northern Virginia (special support this year)
- Longacre Lea (special support this year)
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Friends of the National Conservation Training Center
- National Resources Defense Council
- National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Bird Phenology Program
- Northwestern University (increased support this year)
- Poetry Daily
- Potomac Conservancy
- ProLiteracy
- Rebuilding Together
- Learning Ally: I work in the Washington studio
- Rio Grande Birding Festival (special support this year)
- Silver Spring Stage
- The Smithsonian Associates
- SOME: So Others Might Eat
- The Sun magazine
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Virgina Native Plant Society (new this year)
- Friends of the W&OD Trail
- W3C Validators
- WAMU 88.5 FM
- Washington Area Theatre Community Honors
- Washington National Cathedral earthquake fund (special support this year)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Wildflowers of Detroit project (one-time)
- Wilson Ornithological Society
- Wood Duck Society (new this year)
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (increased support this year)
- Xerces Society
Spread the word
In addition to a quick blurb as @DavidGorsline, I want to praise the online publication of the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington. Selection as one of 70 top small-budget (under $3 million) DC nonprofits involves a six-month vetting process to find organizations with “rock-solid financial and organizational structures.” Washington City Paper, in its introduction to the list of 70 worthy charities, writes,
Traditionally, the Catalogue has bound its list into a book and distributed thousands of copies to “high net worth individuals” in the area. This year, we’ve worked with the organization to highlight its list in our pages, with the idea that you don’t have to be rich to want to give a little.
Sign me up
Via Botany Photo of the Day, WinterRoot’s Wildflowers of Detroit project induced me to join Kickstarter.
Please give
Recent disasters, natural and man-made, in Japan, Haiti, the Gulf of Mexico call out to us: we want to give time and money to alleviate suffering and mitigate environmental damage. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
But several columnists have pointed out that the need for charitable giving is a 24/7/365 thing (among them Holden Karnofsky at GiveWell). The earthquake victims are still under duress even after their tour through the news cycle. Often, what’s needed most at a disaster scene isn’t what’s easiest to fit in an envelope. Donated funds that are earmarked for relief of a particular calamity hamper organizations’ ability to deploy resources where they are most needed.
The best way to help is to establish a long-term relationship with a few select organizations, and to make unrestricted gifts. There is a handful of groups that I have helped for ten years or more, through thick and mostly through thin: there’s been maybe a year following a layoff when I wasn’t able to give. But when times are flush, I try to give more, and to more organizations.
To the extent that a particular sharp event cracks open your wallet, keep the relationship going. I made my first contribution to the American Red Cross in the aftermath of 9/11, and I’ve been giving slowly but steadily since.