The fire hydrants in my neighborhood got a fresh coat of paint recently, so their spiffy colors really pop out. Every so often, it’s good to be reminded of these stubby sentinels, in their shiny red and silver livery, posted every few hundred feet or so, a line of defense against conflagration.
Category: Tools and Technology
One annoyance dealt with
My new favorite Firefox extension is Flashblock. The extension replaces each Flash movie on the current web page with a button. Click the button if you really want to see the latest animated insult to your intelligence from
Short bits of string: 2
Via Lifehacker, a lightweight way to draw bar graphs in Excel.
Ooh! Ooh! And some elaborations on the theme.
Short bits of string: 1
Scott Rosenberg recaps outliner software.
I did not know that: 1
Spiral-bound notebooks weren’t invented until 1934? (Via Boing Boing.)