visitor registry
Here's what the rest of you have to say. If you haven't signed in yet, here's the key to some of the harder questions:
![]() Ken - 11/27/00
21:31:44 Comments: Leta - 11/17/00 14:19:20 My Email:LHall@tscwo.com born: Fort Ord, Monterey, CA visit: Greece superpowers: It's subtle - I acquire and keep the best people for my friends. So I'm just generally lucky. book: "Busman's Honeymoon" by Dorothy Sayers elevator: My friends Brett, Les, and Larry cartoon: Tigger. Comments: moodygal - 10/19/00 22:59:31 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/moodygal/index.html born: Moodtropolis visit: Seattle superpowers: I can become invisble every third Tuesday form 9AM -11:30PM in months with 31 days in them. book: Playing Ball on Running Water elevator: Gerard Depardieu & 2 old deaf, blind men that can amuse themselves. cartoon: I don't go there anymore. Comments: Aaron Posey - 07/18/00 19:20:31 My Email:ed_norton_1999@yahoo.com born: Fowler, Indiana visit: London superpowers: I wish it were x-ray vision, but truthfully, they have not develped yet. book: It's an odd combination, but Joshua and Fight Club. elevator: Edward Norton, Ghandi, and my Grandfather, who'm i never met. cartoon: Wow, i definitely had to think about this one, but without a doubt, Mistique from X-Men. Comments: Ken Lazara - 06/06/00 21:46:51 My URL:http://member.aol.com/knlazara/index.html My Email:knlazara@aol.com born: Long Island, NY visit: Mars superpowers: I can see through transparent blouses :) book: How to be The Baddest Mother*** Alive elevator: Women cartoon: smurfet Comments: Joshua S. Reid - 06/04/00 08:17:36 My Email:joshreid@yahoo.com born: Narrogin, Western Australia visit: Tibet superpowers: Jesus book: Rich Dad - Poor Dad elevator: Nelson Mandela, Robert Kiosaki, Oscar Wilde Comments: Francis M. Connery - 05/07/00 11:22:36 My URL:http:// - none My Email:FMConnery@msn.com born: Salem,Mass. visit: Galapogos Islands superpowers: Apply ancient minutia to practical living as I see it book: The Agony and The Ectasy elevator: Priest,My Wife,My Son-Sean Connery cartoon: Roadrunner Comments: ken hollinga - 05/06/00 19:44:48 Comments: shawn - 04/29/00 06:04:08 My URL:http://fun.to/surfnet Comments: phillip male - 03/16/00 02:36:21 My Email:malepw@jmu.edu born: san diego visit: easter island superpowers: sticking both feet in my mouth at once. book: ayn rand's Anthem elevator: my girlfriend, clint eastwood, and william shakespeare cartoon: daisy duck Comments: Michael D Wheatley - 02/27/00 22:28:56 My URL:http://www.sialia.8m.com My Email:sialia@cyberdude.com born: Tiffin OH elevator: Meg Ryan, Olivia Newton-John, Comments: Trevor A Miller - 02/21/00 20:54:20 My Email:tam420@asap-com.com born: Atlanta, ga visit: Patagonia superpowers: Fish and wildlife managment book: Illusions. Richard Bach elevator: Hunter Thompsen,Jerry garcia, Jack Nicholsen cartoon: Felix the cat Comments: steven foxwell - 02/02/00 18:28:36 My URL:http://n.a. My Email:n.a. born: ashford, england visit: costa rica superpowers: tenacity, persuasion book: seven pillars of wisdom elevator: artistic and creative people cartoon: minnie mouse Comments: David Gray - 11/30/99 20:54:16 My URL:http://www.handtech.com/ntgltd My Email:denvgray@yahoo.com born: Rochester, NY visit: Paris France, Moscow superpowers: I'm Psychic book: The Bible elevator: Shania Twain, Faith Hill,Christie Brinkly cartoon: Jessica Rabbit Comments: melissa - 11/30/99 01:42:41 born: United States visit: Ireland superpowers: I am a women. book: Where the Red Fern Grows elevator: Matt Damon, Skeet Ulrich and a photographer with a loaded camera cartoon: batman Comments: Elis Regina Cambra Peres - 11/23/99 23:37:02 My Email:elisperes@yahoo.com born: São Paulo, Brazil visit: USA and Europe superpowers: Communication and Dance elevator: Brad Pitt, Dean Cain, Ricky Martin cartoon: Superman Comments: BARRET FORTIER - 10/27/99 21:10:21 My URL:http://bfortie@lsu.edu My Email:same born: FOLSOM, LA. visit: ALASKA superpowers: NONE book: SAND COUNTY ALMANAC elevator: 3 PLAYBOY BUNNIES-BRUNETTE, BLONDE, AND A REDHEAD cartoon: SPACE GHOST Comments: GooseIsLoose - 10/23/99 13:03:05 My Email:aobwll@hotmail.com born: New York City visit: Kenya superpowers: Nature, Star-lit Sky, the Universe book: The Road Less Traveled elevator: My Husband/Best Friend, Oprah Winfrey, Emeril LaGasse cartoon: Daffy Duck - Carnally Never! Just like to hear his lisping voice. Comments: INTP - 10/22/99 22:55:50 My Email:grailcastle@hotmail.com born: Montana - Blackfoot Indian Reservation visit: Great Wall superpowers: bill me book: The Prince; runner-up: elevator: Nikola Tesla; Beethoven; Machiavelli cartoon: George Jetson Comments: Samantha Josephine Hunter - 09/07/99 18:08:22 My URL:http://canadiangal.iwarp.com My Email:samijo@canadiangal.iwarp.com born: Canada visit: Australia superpowers: lol book: Any book elevator: Colleen LeeAnn and Leo cartoon: .....bizaare human...:) Comments: David Gorsline - 07/18/99 23:54:13 My Email:nouveau@cais.com Comments: Mike Rainey - 05/07/99 14:05:23 born: Rochester visit: South Carolina superpowers: That I am a golfer book: An American Hero elevator: Pamela Anderson, Niki Taylor, Jennifer Love Hewitt cartoon: Louie Comments: Abby - 03/21/99 18:07:22 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/abbyt My Email:Abby-O@gurlmail.com Comments: Erika Lizardi - 02/11/99 23:39:51 My Email:lolitapita@hotmail.com born: Fontana, California (USA) visit: Canada superpowers: Cooking book: What's So Amazing About Grace elevator: Daniel Stumpf, Jon Trerise, and Gabby Cabello cartoon: Lisa Simpson Comments: roelandt david - 01/31/99 14:52:56 born: St pol sur mer visit: USA in all Comments: George J. Cederquist, Esq. - 12/27/98 04:19:04 My URL:http://members.aol.com/quadprod/ My Email:george.cederquist@yale.edu born: San Diego, CA visit: Las Vegas book: An Actor Prepares (sorry, but it's true...) elevator: Stevie Wonder, Diana Rigg, Larry Shue Comments: tabitha - 12/14/98 22:48:21 Comments: Harper - 11/15/98 16:40:06 My Email:ripleyangel@hotmail.com born: Iowa City,Iowa visit: Switzerland or Africa superpowers: art and music book: The Rainmaker or Jaguar elevator: Bruce Willis, Sly Stallone, Terry Redlin cartoon: bugs bunny Comments: Will Phillips - 10/19/98 00:10:54 My Email:beanie4747@yahoo.com born: Cleveland, OH visit: Germany superpowers: Superstrength!!! :-) book: The Lost World (Taught me to avoid horrible books) Comments: Brandon - 10/13/98 02:57:31 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/piperatgatesofdawn My Email:wilsonpickett@hotmail.com born: dark side of the moon visit: London superpowers: I can remove my undies w/o taking off my pants. book: Grapes of Wrath (?) elevator: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Bill Cosby, and George Lucas cartoon: Ariel Comments: Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 22:53:26 My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/ Comments: Sue Webb - 07/15/98 16:49:13 My Email:PSW40@aol.com born: USA visit: England superpowers: I have angels you find me parking places. book: How Stella Got Her Groove Back elevator: Rod Stewart, George Gershwin and My Grandmother Comments: Alison - 07/12/98 02:05:53 My Email:alisonrebecca@juno.com born: Wheeling, WV visit: Colorado superpowers: the gift of gab book: The Celestine Prophecy elevator: my guy Reggie, Rosie O'Donnell & Cameron Diaz cartoon: Calvin (& Hobbes too) Comments: Babistar -
06/08/98 07:48:52 Comments:
Jim Wilson - 02/23/98 18:32:19 My Email:wizardwil@yahoo.com born: Victoria, BC, Canada visit: Antarctica (no, really!) superpowers: jumping to conclusions--an unerring ability to choose the perfect wine--mental teleportation, you know, the usual book: "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat Moon elevator: Halle Berry, Bret Easton Ellis, and that Otis fellow cartoon: The Animaniacs, but only if they're in bondage Comments: ron ingram - 02/05/98 21:02:54 My Email:ringram914@prodigy.net Comments: Anne DeMarsay - 01/21/98 15:55:20 My Email:ademarsay@erols.com born: Madison, Wisconsin visit: Tibet superpowers: All my powers are natural, even the magickal ones. book: Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl) elevator: I'm claustrophobic--I don't do elevators. But I'll take Melrose Plant on a desert island. . . Comments: Eileen Gorsline - 11/28/97 01:04:13 born: Piqua, Ohio visit: Londen superpowers: motherhood ha ha book: A Peculiar Treasure , Edna Ferber elevator: Eleanor Roosevelt, A. Einstein, Billy Graham cartoon: Shoe Comments: Robin of Locksley - 11/13/97 13:41:46 My Email:robinofthehood@hotmail.com born: Locksley Court visit: Egypt superpowers: To disappear into thin air book: On Prayer: A treatise by St. Augustine elevator: Prince John, The Sheriff of Knottingham, The maid Marrian cartoon: SIr, would you have me speak of such things openly? I think not! Comments: Scott J. Smith - 10/20/97 18:12:18 My URL:http://pages.prodigy.com/esjay/opct.htm My Email:nvge39b@prodigy.com born: Columbus, Ohio visit: Ireland superpowers: Air Juggling book: "Gift of Wings" elevator: Quiet cartoon: Jessica Rabbit Paula Hubble - 10/20/97 12:08:58 My Email:paula.j.hubble@lmco.com born: Rabat, Morocco visit: Venice superpowers: too numerous to mention book: everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask elevator: Charro, Gabe Kaplan, Caligula cartoon: Tweety Bird Reston Community Players - 09/15/97 01:40:56 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3098 Comments: David, or Dave
- 08/19/97 17:05:35 |