Updated: 8/16/15; 18:43:29

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Monday, 29 March 2004

Jerome Weeks writes, originally for the Dallas Morning News:

Any reader will have his own opinions and can express them freely on Amazon. The more, the merrier (although it certainly helps if you can spell). But, contrary to popular belief, a review is not simply an opinion. A review is an act of persuasion, an argument. It says, "I liked this film because of that." Or "This is why that show was bad."

Therefore, "Jerome's First Law of Criticism" states: A review must earn its own authority.

(Thanks to Bookslut.)

posted: 6:09:23 PM  

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