Updated: 8/16/15; 18:58:53

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Tuesday, 21 March 2006

It just occurred to me that since a lot of "scale of 1 to 10" or 5-point scale ratings are represented graphically as a line of filled stars, there is a subtle suggestion that average is better than average. Here's how, schematically, Netflix and Amazon.com represent their customer ratings on a 5-point scale:

1: *....
2: **...
3: ***..
4: ****.
5: *****

A score of 3 looks pretty good, with 60% of the visual field filled in. Even a score of 1 doesn't look so bad. Nobody looks like a failure this way. Amazon.com's textual interpretations of these scores are more to the point:

1: I hate it
2: I don't like it
3: It's OK
4: I like it
5: I love it

A graphical representation that better reflects that "average means average" would look more like a gas gauge than a thermometer:

1: |....
2: .|...
3: ..|..
4: ...|.
5: ....|

posted: 4:18:52 PM  

Robert Filman, editor of IEEE Internet Computing, is gainfully employed after a hiatus:

In seven months of not having to answer to anyone else's demands, you would have thought that I could have proved P not equal to NP, achieved world peace, or at least cleaned the garage, but somehow I never got around to doing any of those things. However, as countless self-help tracts have observed, you ought to turn every episode into a learning experience. I've learned that even without a job, the "to do" list never shrinks.

posted: 2:31:32 PM  

Parallels between my living through two years of middle school and the two terms of the Bush presidency.

posted: 11:04:38 AM  

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