Most of my energy at the moment is going toward getting on top of my new job.
Fortunately, my new offices are near the W&OD Trail, so I can get a walk in at lunch time. The stretch of the trail has no grade crossings, which is good, but the three overpasses over busy parkways mean more climbing than I'm used to, so a sub-40 minute walk is an accomplishment.
The nesting season at the park is in full swing. We have several boxes with eggs cooking, and a couple of boxes already hatched.
I had a blowout on the left boot of my hip waders, so I made the triennial trip to the sporting goods big box for a replacement pair.
I've gone through the water quality monitoring training from Audubon Naturalist Society, but I haven't been assigned a team yet. But some time this month I expect to be wading a local stream, counting mayfly larvae.
I added a profile page to my Connotea account.
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