Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.
Gapminder presents international development statistics interactively. Five dimensions on one page, with your choice of linear or logarithmic scales: excellently done. And the color choices even make sense.
(Thanks to Brad DeLong.)
7:00:41 PM
Daniel Mosquin puts in a word for myxomycetes, and it's high time these fascinating critters got some
3:26:42 PM
Yum! Joshua Davis visits researchers at the University of Wisconsin in
their cream cheese
Most people think there's nothing wrong with cream cheese. They don't
see what [Prof. John] Lucey sees. Cream cheese can be challenging to
produce, which accounts for the stream of calls he gets from
manufacturers flummoxed by production problems. They complain about
cheese that smells like dirty socks, cardboard, or Robitussin. Priority
FedEx packages of bad cream cheese arrive regularly at the center.
9:25:43 AM