Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.
I haven't been so fascinated by the data coming back from a space probe that crashed into its target since we threw Ranger at the Moon. NASA has put together a video that integrates images transmitted from the Huygens probe of Titan, sidebar graphics, and sound to represent various aspects of what was happening to the probe as it plummeted to Saturn's moon.
A pair of photographs that compare, at the same scale, an astronaut's footprint to the familiar orange blobs imaged from the surface of Titan is pure information-presentation genius.
(Thanks to Boing Boing.)
7:04:17 PM
A new walking/hiking objective to meet: the 38-mile Cross County Trail officially opens tomorrow.
(Or maybe 40-plus miles: there is some conflicting information.)
6:43:27 PM