Updated: 8/16/15; 18:59:40

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Monday, 5 June 2006

A batch of e-books will be available for free download in a one-month window of time, starting July 4.

(Thanks to ArtsJournal.)

posted: 6:51:35 PM  

When I finally lose it and start committing bloody mayhem, it won't be due to social injustice, or a need to protect my loved ones, or in response to government atrocity. It will be over the spelling of the name of a breed of dog.

Listen up, people! Dalmatian is name of a breed of dog.

The breed was named in the 18th century after Dalmatia, then a part of the Venetian Republic. In 1955, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale set the origin of the dogs to the former Yugoslavia...

"Dalmation," if it were a word, would refer to the process of dalmating.

posted: 3:41:05 PM  

Paul Robinson, Aristotelian, considers punctuation marks:

More than half of the semicolons one sees, I would estimate, should be periods, and probably another quarter should be commas. Far too often, semicolons, like colons, are used to gloss over an imprecise thought. They place two clauses in some kind of relation to one another but relieve the writer of saying exactly what that relation is. Even the simple conjunction "and," for which they are often a substitute, has more content, because it suggests compatibility or logical continuity.

(Thanks to wood s lot.)

posted: 1:40:44 PM  

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