Updated: 8/16/15; 18:59:43

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Wednesday, 7 June 2006

Bad news for bass fishermen? The Outdoor Life Network, acknowledging that neither bull riding, arena football, nor ice hockey is played outdoors, and that "Survivor" reruns are not life, is rebranding itself as Versus.

posted: 9:44:52 PM  

52 box constructions, one for each week of a year, by Jason Andrew McHenry.

(Thanks to 52 Projects.)

posted: 7:33:20 PM  

Why does do grammar and usage make a difference? (tx, jb!) The title of Jody Gilbert's post gets right to the point: 10 flagrant grammar [and usage] mistakes that make you look stupid. Along with the usual suspects, Gilbert brings in the lose/loose solecism.

(Thanks to Lifehacker.)

posted: 6:27:49 PM  

June 2006
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D. Gorsline, Proprietor

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