Updated: 8/16/15; 18:59:50

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Wednesday, 21 June 2006

My Wikipedia contrail on my main browser at home is a little skewed: I've recently been updating production history pages for RCP, so I've been looking up lots of Broadway musicals in order to confirm credits, spelling, and punctuation.

Type "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" into your browser address box and see what comes up as autocomplete suggestions.

(Thanks to kottke.org.)

posted: 7:31:52 PM  

Kaiser Fung at Junk Charts takes apart an egregiously junky figure from the Wall Street Journal and puts it back together to tell two different stories.

Despite its complicated appearance, the entire graph can be constructed using only 20 numbers.... Needless to say, such redundancy only serves to confuse readers.

posted: 2:11:29 PM  

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