Updated: 8/16/15; 18:46:03

pedantic nuthatch
Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.

Wednesday, 14 July 2004

The most interesting thing about the passages culled from Grand Canyon: a Different View, edited by Tom Vail, is the way the word "evolution" is used:

The Grand Canyon is an awesome display of God's creation and a place to find and explore the wonders of His creation. If we visit the Canyon, or read the prevailing interpretive literature about it, we will find that the views presented are predominantly based on evolutionary theories. These theories tend to deny God's involvement and often His very existence.

You can do perfectly good geology without concerning yourself with the origins of life and where species come from, just as you can do perfectly good chemical engineering without concerning yourself with the precise value of the cosmological constant. What I read in this passage is the equation Evolution = Secularism = Any body of knowledge that contradicts my religious beliefs.

Perhaps the reason that biologists (and to a much lesser extent, geologists) are singled out for steady attack by Christian fundamentalists is twofold:

  • these scientists deal with phenomena perceptible at the macro level, neither micro nor mega: this is the realm where common sense is a tempting but misleading guide, one that will tell you that a heavy bowling ball falls faster than a light one;
  • the day-to-day consequences of any particular explanation of reality aren't that great; Earth's population could be created by God, evolved from pond scum, or stranded by alien spacecraft, but it won't get me to work on time or keep my kid off drugs.
In the macro world, a bald contradiction like Vail's "Contrary to what is widely believed, radioactive dating has not proven the rocks of the Grand Canyon to be millions of years old," can be made without fear of challenge by a skeptical Believer or Non-Believer. Meanwhile, the implications of quantum entanglement of photon states or of giant X-ray sources in the sky for our understanding of the world are just not on the Christian hard-liners' radar screens.

Nobody gets hurt if Johnny grows up thinking that babies come from the garden under cabbage leaves; but I doubt that even the most rock-ribbed among us would use the Bible to design a jet engine or an elevator safety subsystem.

(Thanks to Bookslut.)

posted: 7:49:28 PM  

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