Life in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. B.M.A.T.C., and Etruscan typewriter erasers. Blogged by David Gorsline.
Brian Hayes looks at the mathematics of Sudoku.
When you lay down your pencil on a completed Sudoku, the thought that you've just dispatched a problem in the class NP may boost your psychological wellbeing, but the NP label doesn't say anything about the relative difficulty of individual Sudoku puzzles.
(Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily.)
9:29:23 AM
Urgh. This is not good, no matter how you slice it. In the midst of renewed labor troubles, the Washington Ballet has cancelled all remaining performances of The Nutcracker this season.
Dancers are asking for measures to protect safety and health, and claim that management has locked them out; management says that the action is a strike. Ticket sales from the holiday staple provide nearly two-thirds of the company's annual earned revenue.
(Thanks to ArtsJournal and DCist for noting that some performances have been held.)
8:46:33 AM